Understanding the Azure Core Concepts

Lets start with a 45-minute part to understand Core Azure Concepts

This part will help learners understand,

  • Understand the benefits of cloud computing in Azure and how it can save you time and money
  • Explain cloud concepts such as high availability, scalability, elasticity, agility, and disaster recovery
  • Describe core Azure architecture components such as subscriptions, management groups, resources and resource groups
  • Summarize geographic distribution concepts such as Azure regions, region pairs, and availability zones

Introduction, will walk you through cloud computing fundamentals, azure fundamentals and domain areas for AZ 900 preparation.

The next unit will walk you through about what is Cloud computing

The next two units provide information about Microsoft Azure and Azure Services and guide you to create your own Azure Account

The next unit of the module introduces a case study of Tailwind Traders to help understand requirements for cloud and will be used throughout the course to map the concepts to Azure resources. 

The module finishes with a Knowledge Check and Summary of things learned.

Hope you find the resources useful for getting started with your AZ 900 preparation. 

Happy Learning!

Last Post - Microsoft Certified Azure Developer Associate Getting Started

Next Post - AZ 900 Azure Fundamental & Architectural Concepts

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