Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate - Getting Started

Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator exam is a part of requirements for Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

This is an opportunity to prove knowledge & expertise in implementing, managing, and monitoring an organization’s Microsoft Azure environment.

Candidates attempting this exam must bring in hands-on experience in administering Azure, that includes working in a role that includes implementing, managing, and monitoring identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in Azure cloud environment with additional experience in provisioning, monitoring resources is an added benefit.

Some of the key concepts would be understanding of core Azure services, Azure workloads, security, and governance. In addition, this role should have experience using PowerShell, Azure CLI, Azure portal, and Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates.

The exam tests candidate for following set of skills

  • Manage Azure identities and governance (15-20%)
  • Implement and manage storage (15-20%)
  • Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20-25%)
  • Configure and manage virtual networking (25-30%)
  • Monitor and back up Azure resources (10-15%)

Refer to the study guide for the exam and we will discuss in detail related to each topic related to the certification exam in the following posts.

Happy Learning!

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