Kubectl is the most common command line client used for working with Kubernetes. It provides a range of features. One of the most important feature is to enable the completion so we can easily get options for different CRUD operations on Kubernetes resources. I think this is the first thing you should do when using Kubernetes. During both CKA and CKAD, time is the essense and we need to use all the help we can get from the tools we have available. Please have a look at the recording below for setting up kubectl completion.


Once you have kubectl completion enabled you can easily use it. Since asciinema does not really work well with completion, I will figure it out later, following is the output you can expect.

root@k8s-master:~# kubectl
alpha          cluster-info   diff           logs           scale
annotate       completion     drain          options        set
api-resources  config         edit           patch          taint
api-versions   convert        exec           plugin         top
apply          cordon         explain        port-forward   uncordon
attach         cp             expose         proxy          version
auth           create         get            replace        wait
autoscale      delete         kustomize      rollout
certificate    describe       label          run