Cloud Native Hero Newsletter Weekly Architecture Edition - 14 Nov 2022

3 reasons to optimize your workloads with Azure Advisor.

Three reasons why you need to start optimizing with Azure Advisor

Why you need a Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF), and probably a WAF too!

Kubernetes on BareMetal LoadBalancer

A guide to using kube-vip, a lightweight and multi-architecture approach to Kubernetes load balancing.

Accelerating Well-Architected Framework reviews using integrated AWS Trusted Advisor insights

This blog highlights, how the new AWS Well-Architected integration with AWS Trusted Advisor can give you insights to accelerate your cloud optimization

Deploying IBM Cloud Pak for integration on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

This blog explores how customers, who are looking at ways to run IBM software on AWS, can use Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) to deploy IBM Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I) with modernized versions of IBM integration products.

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