Cloud Native Hero Newsletter Weekly Digest - 18 Nov 2022


3 reasons to optimize your workloads with Azure Advisor.

Three reasons why you need to start optimizing with Azure Advisor

Why you need a Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF), and probably a WAF too!

Kubernetes on BareMetal LoadBalancer

A guide to using kube-vip, a lightweight and multi-architecture approach to Kubernetes load balancing.

Accelerating Well-Architected Framework reviews using integrated AWS Trusted Advisor insights

This blog highlights, how the new AWS Well-Architected integration with AWS Trusted Advisor can give you insights to accelerate your cloud optimization

Deploying IBM Cloud Pak for integration on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

This blog explores how customers, who are looking at ways to run IBM software on AWS, can use Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) to deploy IBM Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I) with modernized versions of IBM integration products.


What is GitHub Codespaces and how can Students access them for free?

Recently announced at GitHub Universe 2022, GitHub is offering 90 hours of Codespaces to registered students for free. Students need to register with GitHub to gain access to this offer as well as access to other tools like the Student Developer pack.

Discover Microsoft Certified: Power Automate RPA Developer Associate

Are you someone who uses automation to reduce the burden of rote tasks regularly performed by your team? Are you skilled at developing robotic process automation (RPA) solutions to automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks? If so,check out the Microsoft Certified: Power Automate RPA Developer Associate certification (pass Exam PL-500). It could give your career a boost.

Connecting people to skilling and job opportunities

Build your cloud skills at AWS re:Invent 2022

Are you looking for ways to accelerate your cloud skills and make valuable new connections? the AWS Training and Certification team will be on hand to answer your questions, provide insider tips, and guide you throughout your re:Invent experience, from November 28 through December 2.

How an employee leaderboard helped transform training at Globe Group


Utilizing Zero Trust architecture principles for External Identities

As hybrid work environments become normal and we continue to collaborate, the importance of adopting zero-trust architecture principles is more vital than ever. The author of the blog explores how different capabilities help to implement zero trust principles.

Getting started with Open Telemetry and Azure Data Explorer

KubeCon NA 2022: Edge-Native Application Principles

Edge computing is an extension to cloud computing. Companies are interested in bringing their cloud-native infrastructure and applications to the edge. In this article, learn more about the progress made by the CNCF IoT Edge working group on principles to consider for edge-native applications.

3 reasons to optimize your workloads with Azure Advisor

Improving Developer Productivity at Disney with Serverless and Open Source


5 Steps to Stop the Latest OpenSSL Vulnerabilities: CVE-2022-3602, CVE-2022-3786

SaaS Security Use Case Series: SaaS-to-SaaS Access

Defining Cyber Immunity

Announcing new capabilities for Azure Firewall

Have a look at several key Azure Firewall capabilities that are now generally available as well as updates on recent important releases into general availability (GA) and preview.

AWS: You can now assign multiple MFA devices in IAM

In this blog post, we review the current MFA features for IAM, share use cases for multiple MFA devices, and show you how to manage and sign in with the additional MFA devices for better resiliency and flexibility.


Secure Bottlerocket deployments on Amazon EKS with KubeArmor

A solution for using AWS BottleRocket, a security focused operating system and KubeArmor, a CNCF sandbox project, is a runtime security engine that leverages (eBPF) and BPF-LSM to protect the pods and containers.

Azure DevOps client libraries migrated to MSAL

All Azure DevOps REST APIs now support PAT scopes

Reducing Your Organization’s Carbon Footprint with Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

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